Let Me Share With You How I Built My First Software Business That Makes Me Tons Of $$$$$$$ Monthly Without Writing One Line Of Code Or Have Any Previous Experience And With Little Budget
You Can Also Copy My 5 Different Secret Models And Build Your Own Profitable SAAS Business In 3 Days, Even If You Don't Have Any Experience Or Any Product Ideas.
Check Out What Some Of My Students Have To Say.
Check Out How I Was Generating Income In Dollars When I Just Started My SAAS Business Few Years Ago.
I Was Just A Learner Then....
These are not bad figures for a beginner...
Those screenshots above are few of my income from my solo SAAS products when i just started few years ago.
I made those money without spending any money on ads from softwares that i launched without any programming knowledge.
These are just chicken change...
Let me show you a few bigger figures now...
If You Think Those Ones Are Just Chicken Change, What About These Ones Below?
Dont That Forget I Was Still Learning .....
Those revenue were generated without spending any money on ads from softwares that i launched without any programming knowledge.
These are not just chicken change again ...
You can also generate bigger figures than all these, from your own software business without any programing skills.
Don't Worry I Am About To Show You How I Started And Moved On To Join The League Of 7 Figures SAAS Founders....
Dear Friend,
If you are interested in starting a profitable business, here's my suggestion…
Sell Software As A Service (SAAS) Products.
What is Software As A Service (SAAS) Business and why should you care?
Software As A Service (SAAS) Business is one of the most profitable business models in the world right now.
Have you heard of successful Tech Startups like Shopify, Amazon,SalesForce, Hubspot, Mailchimp, Netflix, Binance SalesUltimo, Selar, Expatnaire, Wamation or Stakecut before?
They all offer Software As A Service to their customers. Some of these business are multi billion Dollar corporations , while some of them are own by young founders like you.
You may not have expertise and huge fund like them, but you can become a SAAS founder today and make tons of money like they are doing with ease.
What do you do as SAAS owner?
You sell easy to make SAAS to real people and businesses , who need software solutions to solve their problems,
and when you do, they will HAPPILY pay you a lot of recurring money monthly or yearly.
That means they will be paying monthly fee like real estate rentals.
Like this SEO Software
My name is Muri.
In 2019 (that was 5 years ago), I landed on what you would call a GOLDMINE.
First, I discovered amazing opportunities in software business after joining an expensive software business coaching programme on How To Create Profitable Software As A Service Business.
Then, I found a thread on Facebook Group for bloggers and digital marketers where a lot of people were asking discussing about frustrations they are facing with SEO tools and their challenges.
This gave me an idea.
That idea was to research, create and sell them profitable SEO tools that will solve or minimize their problems.
By then, although i was web designer, but i was not a programmer and cant code spoftware by myself.
I didn’t have fund to hire a team of developers and dont have enough resources to pay expensive freelance software developers also.
So, I decided to use the fastrack and EASY to deploy SAAS models that i learnt from my coach then and did something different.
I researched and setup easy to deployed SEO software withing 48 hours.
Within 2 days, my brand new SEO SAAS business was ready.
After the successful launching as a beginner, i acquired about 1200 paying customers and generated over $60,000 in revenue withing 1 month.
So I continued my marketing strategies.
Again, sales skyrocketed.
I built mores Softwares without writing one line of code using the secrets models I learnt.
After that, I continued to scale vertically and horizontally. The results were amazing.
And this trend continues.
6 months later, I have generated over $300,000 in revenues without coding experience, developer team or funding from any investor.
Then, I bought a new house in Lagos using the money generated from selling my own Sofwtare products without any programming knowledge.
Today, my SAAS Business now currently doing 8 figures in turnover.
I am the founder of SalesUltimo, Seoblazer, and Technavel.
As It stands today.
I’ve generate average of $428,092.32 in recurring revenue.
I’ve never hired a single developer to achieved this.
I started from my home office before setting up my current office where i run chains of businesses from, using the proceed of my SAAS business.
I have the freedom to choose what I want to work on.
I get to provide my users with real value they happily pay for.
I’ve consumed countless books, articles, podcasts, and Youtube videos. While making tons of mistakes along the way.
And now I want to share everything I've learned with you.
Here's The Deal…
Even though I made a boatload of money from software business, I also made a lot of stupid mistakes.
Because of what I know today, I had known then, I could have made 10 times more money with my early Softwares.
Thankfully those mistakes I never repeated again.
And since then, it's been a beautiful business to do.
– Lots of customers
– They have money in their hand
And. . .
– They are willing to pay NOW!
Selling Software As A Service (SAS) is an easy to start and money making business model to do if you know your way around and willing to do a little bit of work.
It's my bread and butter. I know it like I know the back of my hand.
Have A Look At What People Like You Have To Say About My Easy SAAS Business Training...
It Is Your Turn To Share Amazing Testimonies With Me After Launching Your Own Successful Software Business.
If you are ready to earn more dollars , I am willing to show you how to do it now.
But Does Anyone Actually Make Money With SAAS Products?.
Benjamin Dell, the founder of Missinglettr, bootstrapped his startup, Missinglettr and
Generated Over $140,000 Within Two Weeks Deal Launch
...and moved on to earn $100,000+ additional Annual Reccurring Revenue (ARR).
Matt Byrom, the founder of Project.co, bootstrapped Project.co, and
Generated $93,884 In Revenue Within First 3 Weeks Deal Launch,
...and moved on to earn $100,000+ additional Annual Reccurring Revenue (ARR).
SEO Buddy
Romain Brabant, the co-founder of SEO Buddy and his partners, bootstrapped SEO Buddy and
Generated over $90,000 In Revenue During First Launch
Komodo Deck
Khanan Grover, the founder of Komodo Deck, bootstrapped Komodo Deck, and
Generated Over $130,000 On Revenue During Their First Launch,
...and moved on to earn $100,000+ additional Annual Reccurring Revenue (ARR)..
Vikram Chalana, the founder of Pictory and his team, bootstrapped Pictory, and
Generated Over $100,000 Monthly Reccurring Revenue(MRR) After The 60-Day Campaign,
Suumit Shah and Subhash Choudhary are the Co-founder of Dukaan.
Generated Over $140,000 In Revenue During Their First Launch
They lated raised about $11 million to help merchants in India set up online stores
Formaloo Team
Generated Over $100,000 In Revenue Within First 2 Weeks Of Deal Launch,
You Can See That People Like You Are Actually Doing Well With SAAS Products?
If you want to learn, I am willing to show you how to Launch Your Own Lucrative Software Business in my Free Training, even if you are a complete beginner,
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